
Share what you love with thousands of shoppers

Make lists of products you’ve tried, loved, and inspire thousands of people using FRL every day to explore and shop new items.

Add products from any brand

Simply copy the link from your favourite store and add it to your list,

or choose from the thousands of brands directly available.

Create in minutes

Become an inspiration for others by sharing products you already use, or would love to have one day with others.

Creating a list with your favourite products is easy. Most creators only spend 5 minutes.

People can discover you through the products they find on FRL, follow you and save your lists. 

Discover what products people love that have a similar interest and style as you.

Easily participate in campaign and make money in minutes by creating lists for brands.

Start earning from your community on autopilot

Get started

Create a profile, connect your socials and explore products added by the FRL Community

Create your first list

Share what you love by creating your first list from products on our platform or from any shop you love

Share on your link-in-bio or stories

Create lists to increase your visibility to a community of shoppers that love your selections and style.

Earn income on autopilot

Participate in campaigns that only take minutes, and make money to create lists and on performance

What creators share

“The website runs very smoothly in comparison to other platforms like this so that’s unreal! Another thing that I liked was the personalization of the lists and the organization of the platform.”

21.7k followers on Instagram

“What I really love is that I don’t have to create additional content to promote a product, like post a picture of me wearing it, I love that I can just select a product and add it to a list. This is big + for me opposed to LTK for example.”

118k followers on Instagram

What creators ask

To accommodate our FRL creators, we’ve ensured that it doesn’t take more than 5-10 minutes to create one paid list. No additional content creation required!

To add a new product to your list:
  • Tap ‘Edit list’.
  • Use the search bar and type the product’s name, brand, and/or model.
Once the product is added, don’t forget to click “Publish changes” for the list to appear on your account OR save it as a draft.
If you’re looking for a product that’s not yet in the FRL catalog, don’t worry! Simply add the product’s URL, and our team will add the product shortly. Once the product is added, it will appear in the list you requested it for.

Yes, of course – we encourage that! Feel free to share your lists on your social media profiles for your followers to discover new products and brands!

You can easily copy the link or embed your list through the share button.

If you’re already an affiliate creator, great!

You can use FRL alongside your existing program by adding your affiliate links to our platform.

FRL provides additional benefits such as higher clickthrough rates and engagement rates, so we help you to reach and engage with shoppers.

As a FRL Creator, you get invite to participate in campaigns. We have campaigns every single month.

We are also implementing our integrated affiliate model, so that you can make money from most of your products in your list, automatically.

Become FRL Creator

Anyone can become a FRL Creator. Whether you love shopping and save your favourites,
or want to inspire others and grow your community.