Community Guidelines

Welcome to FRL, your new go-to digital sanctuary for connection, creativity, and fun. As part of our community, you’re here to find your tribe, share laughs, and explore common interests in a positive and respectful environment. But let’s get one thing straight:

Respect and Responsibility are Non-Negotiable.

FRL Limited is an inclusive platform for users aged 13 and above. Joining us means you’re committed to making everyone feel welcome and respected.

Here’s What’s Cool:

  • Sharing your passions and discovering new ones
  • Connecting with people from all walks of life
  • Spreading positivity and humor
  • Being your authentic self, without the filters


And Here’s What’s Not:

  • No NSFW Content: Keep it clean and appropriate for a PG-13 audience.
  • No Violence or Gore: Promoting or glorifying violence is off-limits.
  • Zero Tolerance for Hate: Absolutely no hate speech, slurs, racism, bigotry, misogyny, or bullying. Respect is key.
  • Privacy is Paramount: Doxxing is illegal and harmful. We take privacy seriously and so should you.
  • Protect Our Youth: No grooming, exploitation, or sexualization of minors. Period.
  • Harassment is a Deal-Breaker: Be kind. No form of harassment or sexual harassment will be tolerated.
  • Facts Only: Misinformation and fake news have no place here.
  • No Promotion of Harm: Encouraging self-harm or substance abuse is strictly prohibited.
  • Spam and Trolls, Beware: Don’t ruin the fun with obnoxious spamming or trolling.


Enforcement and Your Role:

Violating these guidelines will lead to content removal, and repeat offenders will face account deletion and a permanent ban. Our community’s spirit is precious, and we’re all about keeping FRL a safe, welcoming space for everyone.

Navigating Disagreements:

It’s the internet; you’re bound to encounter opinions you disagree with. But not all content you dislike violates our guidelines. Remember, the unfriend and block features are your friends in these situations.

Let’s Keep FRL Limited Amazing:

Thank you for being a part of FRL. Your contributions, respect, and vigilance help keep our community vibrant, safe, and inclusive. Let’s continue making this space awesome for everyone.

Now, back to the fun!